Poptropolis is a one night, 6 hour, OVER-THE-TOP art exhibit which brings a variety of art styles together for an urban whimsical art cocktail party for all to remember.
The event is being held on Saturday, November 11th, 2017 at Koken Art Factory from 6pm to Midnight.
2500 Ohio Ave, St. Louis, MO 63104
Vodka Bacon Studios is looking for a wide variety of Pop Art (popular culture, kitschy elements, news related items, etc.). Pop Surrealism/Low Brow (fantasy, cartoons, toys, imaginary characters and scenarios, etc.), Urban/City themed imagery (spray paint/industrial/artful graffiti characters, tagging, mural style pieces or scenarios) and whimsical works (whimsical textile characters, paintings, digital, photography, and 3D work).
Submission Rules and Guidelines:
This is a juried exhibition for artists 18 and up. All Artists must be at least 18 by the date of the event to be considered.
The submission DEADLINE is Sunday, October 8th 2017 at Midnight.
There is no fee for submitting work!
Original art only!! There is no creation date restriction and the work must not have been at a previous Vodka Bacon Studio art show.
NO COMMISSION will be taken from Vodka Bacon Studios, so sell your art on-the-spot and keep 100% of your sale!
A one-time non-refundable fee of $30 is required at the time of acceptance. The acceptance fee is for total art, not per piece! Acceptance automatically gives you entrance to the event with a PLUS ONE. In addition, the acceptance fee also pays for our large advertising campaign to get the word out. We expect over 800+ patrons at Poptropolis this year who will see your art! We will announce you on our social media event page, website, email announcements and over 2000 fliers that will be distributed throughout the St. Louis region! WE WANT YOU TO BE SEEN!
After your work is submitted, we will respond to you within two weeks. Payment options will be provided at the time of acceptance.
Due to the high volume of submissions, we cannot shuffle through a collection of art. Please only submit up to 4 pieces of art for jury to VBSevents@yahoo.com. If we find that a piece of art is not appropriate for the theme of the show, you may then submit a replacement piece.
Up to 4 pieces of 2D art in any medium may be submitted for jury. One image for each item should be titled lastname_firstname_title. Title, Medium, Dimensions and Selling price should be listed in the email with the matching images attached. Please have the images in .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .pdf format and the email shall not exceeding 25MB. The email should also include your phone number, artist statement and/or a link to your website where we can get more information about you. All submissions must be sent electronically to our email at: VBSevents@yahoo.com
All art should be wired and ready for hanging. Photography should be framed or creatively mounted to provide the best presentation. No saw-toothed hangers.
Up to 4 pieces of 3D work shall be submitted electronically the same as above, however no more than 2 images for 3D art (front and back) per piece. Sculptures or other 3D pieces will not be allowed directly on the floor, so you must supply your own platform to display your work. All submissions must be sent electronically to our email at: VBSevents@yahoo.com
Other art forms can be submitted for consideration as long as they fall into the theme of the show. Let us know what you've got!
SIZE LIMITATIONS: All work is subject to size limitation at our discretion due to space constraints. If your pieces are too large, you may not be able to include all 4 works depending on the dimensions of your submissions.
Dang! There's more?
You may sell your art, however your pieces cannot leave the venue until the designated pick-up day/time which will be emailed to you when the event draws closer.
Prints or other novelties are NOT allowed to be sold during the event unless you are an "approved" jeweler or textile artist accepted.
Make connections! Be sure to bring your best promotional material/business cards, you just might get to display your art at a local business!
Invite as many friends, family, co-workers and acquaintances as you can.
We will work with you. Different art requires different circumstances. We understand! Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns at our website www.vodkabaconstudios.com click “contact” at the top of the page. You may also email us directly at VBSevents@yahoo.com.
This event is going to be extremely fun! We want our visitors and artists to have a great time mingling and making new friends. In the end, we will all benefit from being together and hope to have many more shows like this in the future.
Nelson and Jason
Vodka Bacon Studios